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Privacy Policy

We value your privacy in the same manner we expect others to respect ours. Hence, we adopt an 'Open & Honest' approach to your privacy, ensuring you, at the very least, the following courtesy:

1. Ownership of Images:

All images captured will remain our property until ownership is transferred to you through written consent or a purchase agreement.

2. Confidentiality:

We are dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of all images and will refrain from using them without your explicit consent, except as described in our 'Terms & Conditions' - Section 8: Promotional Material.

3. Client Information and GDPR Compliance:

Any personal client information will be kept confidential and will not be used, sold, or distributed. Our practices adhere to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

4. Aerial Filming and Privacy Protection:

Aerial filming will exclusively focus on individuals and/or their property who have engaged our services for filming purposes. Efforts will be made to limit capturing images beyond this scope to protect the privacy of others.

5. Footage Deletion Policy:

If there is no explicit arrangement, any footage not purchased or archived through prior agreement may be permanently deleted by us without prior notice, 90 days after the completion of the project.

6. Commitment to Privacy and Transparency:

Our 'Privacy' policy is designed to demonstrate our integrity and honesty. We are always willing to share any footage we have taken to provide you with peace of mind.

If you have any questions on our privacy policy please contact us.

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